SWaM Certification Number: 659201
Certification Approved Date: 07-01-2010
The Department of Minority Business Enterprise (“DMBE”) has reviewed your application for Small, Woman- and/or Minority-owned (“SWaM”) certification and we are pleased to inform you that your application for Small certification has been approved.
Your business will be added as a certified SWaM vendor on the SWaM Vendor Directory. This directory is a listing of all certified small, women and minority-owned firms currently on file with DMBE, along with a description of the products/services they provide. The SWaM Vendor Directory is posted on our website at www.dmbe.virginia.gov and shared with procurement agents of state agencies, as well as other public entities and private corporations. For confirmation of your certification, you may obtain a copy of your directory listing by clicking on the link http://www.dmbe.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/search.cgi, entering your business name under Step 2, and printing out a copy of your listing.
Your certification is valid for a term of three years from the date of your approval; re-certification is required at the end of that term. If, within that period of time, you have a change of address, telephone number, or if there are any changes that affect the ownership and control of your business, you are required to notify us in writing within two weeks of such changes.
If you have not already done so, we strongly recommend that you register your company with the eVA system, the state’s online procurement system, by visiting their website at http://www.eva.virginia.gov/vendors/index.htm. State agencies search for vendors on this site and also post requests for bids and proposals. Vendors can also have requests for bids and proposals automatically e-mailed to them.
Please note that the dual certification status for vendors applying for small business and woman or minority-owned business certification will be reflected on the SWaM Vendor Directory within 30 days, upon submission of the required supplemental documentation.
Congratulations on your certification and do not hesitate to contact our office if we can be of further assistance.
Virginia Department of Minority Business Certification Team
1111 E. Main Street, Suite 300
Richmond, VA 23219
Fax: 804-786-9736